There are good reasons why the 'Heart of Asia' conference, part of a 14-nation process begun in 201 I to facilitate the development and security of Afghanistan, is so named. The obvious one is geographical, as Afghanistan lies at the junction of Central, South and East Asia, and also of the ancient trading routes from China and India to Europe. Today it is also a focal point for the region's biggest challenge of terrorism, some of the far-reaching battles against al-Qaeda, Islamic State, etc. will be decided on the battlegrounds of Afghan is tan. For India, putting terror centre stage at the Heart of Asia declaration in Amritsar was thus timely and necessary. Ln tandem, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Prime Minister Narendra Modi focussed their concerns on cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan, something even Pakistan's traditional allies at the conference ir~cluding China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Turkey, found difficult to counter. The case Mr. Ghani made was clear: progress and development in Afghanistan a re meaningless and unsstamable without peace, and peace is contingent on Pakistan cndmg support to terror groups such the Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Taiba. He dared Pakistan to use its proposed development grant to Afghanistan to fight terror on its own soil. However, if every window for engagement with Pakistan is closed for lndta and Afghamstan, the two countries must closely consider what thetr next step will be. A lack of engagement may, in the whort teirn, yield some pressure on Pakistan's leadership to act as it did briefly after the Pathankot attack. But in the long run it ria deplete the two countries of their limited leverage as Pakistani neighbours. It may, for all the affirmations of mutual ties also succeed in driving more obstacles to trade between India and Afghanttan. in the past year, the cornering of Pakistan by its South Asian neighbours has only yielded deeper ties for Islamabad with Beijing and Moscow, pushed Kabul closer to Central Asia and moved New Delhi towards multilateral groupings to the east and south. As a result, the measures India and Afghanistan have envisaged in order to avoid Pakistan, such as land trade from the Chabahar port and a dedicated air corridor between Delhi and Kabul, may prove to be insufficient by the time they are put in place, even as Afghanistan is connected more closely via a rail lme from China's Yiwu and Tehran. The Heart of Asia process thus remains critical to forging cooperation to realise Afghanistan's potential to be a vibrant Asian "hub".
What is the theme for this passage?
The Heart of Asia against Pakistan
Afghanistan amidst cross-border terrorism
The prevalent issue of Terrorism by Pakistan
India and Afghanistan against their neighbour
The correct Answer is:B
This is the relevant theme for this passage.
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
View Solutionएक यौगिक में तत्व A तथा B घनीय संरचना में क्रिस्टलीकृत होते हैं । परमाणु A घन के कोनो पर तथा B फलक के केंद्र पर उपस्थित है । यौगिक का सूत्र है :
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