Simple definition of On Line Shopping or Shopping on the Web is enabling you to buy and sell through your computer on -line using Web or Internet environment. One reason people like without a salesperson because you can browse inside the shop for number of hours at your leisure time without a salesperson peering over the shoulder and making unwanted recommendations. As a customer, we may find this approach convenient and less time consuming, but how does this affect the economy as a whole? ls it safe to pay credit card online? Is buying and selling products over the internet considered as a risky business for merchants? Is the Web going to replace old- fashioned stores? ls virtual shopping really is better than the real thing? Cyberspace is a vast territory where computers meet and exchange information. In this 21st century, cyberspace has already to your computer will look you into wealth of goods and services.
In your home, modern box attached to your computer will look you into wealth of goods and services. Not only does it allow you to talk to your friends on the other side of the world, but also allows you to watch a movie, buy airline tickets, pay bills and even get cash, People in developed countries like U.S. and Canada have already started using On Line Shopping as a routine mode of their purchasing goods and services. Internet shoppers still believe that there is no secure and convenient way of paying on the Internet. Consumers are concerned with two main security fears. They are worried that their credit card information is jeopardizing while travelling over the net. They also express concern over data privacy whereby the vendors and blanking institutions can tamper with the data and easily record their purchasing habits. These fears over privacy and security have kept E- Commerce from taking off.
Why is it risky to pay online?
It reveals the identity of the buyer
It intrudes upon the privacy of the buyer
The buyer is apprehensive of his credit card details going over the net
The merchants may record the buyer's purchasing habits
The correct Answer is:C
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