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State and prove parallel axis theorem.

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Parallel axis theorem : The moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis passing through a point is the sum of moment of inertia about parallel axis passing through centre of mass (IG) and mass of the body multiplied by square of distance (MR2) between the axes i.e.,
Proof : Consider a rigid body of mass M with 'G' as its centre of mass. IG the moment of inertia about an axis passing through centre of mass. I = The moment of inertia about an axis passing through the point 'O ' in that plane.
Let perpendicular distance between the axes is OG = R (say)
Consider point P in the given plane. Join OP and GP. Extend the line OG and drop a normal from 'P' on to it as shown in figure.
The moment of inertia about the axis passing through centre of mass G.
(IG)=ΣmGP2 ....(1)
M.O.I of the body about an axis passing through O (I) =ΣmOP2 ...(2)
From triangle OPD
OD2=(OG+GD)2=OG2+GD2+2OG,GD ...(3)
From equations (2) and (3)
But GD2+DP2=GP2
I=ΣmGP2+ΣmOG2+2OGΣmGD ....(4)
But the terms ΣmGP2=IG
The term 2OGΣmGD = 0 , Because it represent sum of moment of masses about centre of mass . Hence its value is zero .
Hence parallel axis theorem is proved .
