Transistor functions as a switch. Explain.Solution in Tamil

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The transistor in saturation and cut-off regions functions like an electronic switch that helps to turn ON or OFF a given circuit by a small control signal.
Presence of dc source at the input (saturation region):
(i) When a high input voltage (Vin=+5) is applied, the base current (IB) increase and in turn increase the collector current.
(ii) The transistor will move into the saturation region (turned ON).
(iii) The increase in collector current (IC) increase the voltage drop across RC thereby lowering the output voltage, close to zero.
(iv) The transistor acts like a closed switch and is equivalent to ON condition.
Absence of dc source at the input (cut-off region):
(i) A low input voltage (Vin=OV) decreases the base current .. and in turn decreases the collector current (IC).
(ii) The transistor will move into the cut-off region (turned OFF).
(iii) The decrease in collector current (IC) decreases the drop across RC thereby increasing the output voltage, close to +5 V.
(iv) The transistor acts as an open switch which is considered as the OFF condition.
(v) A high input gives a low output and a low input gives a high output.
(vi) In addition, we can say that the output voltage is opposite to the applied input voltage.
(vii) Therefore, a transition can be used as an inverter in computer logic circuitry.
