Explain the process of recombinant DNA technology.Solution in Kannada
Process of genetic engineering:
(a) Isolation of genetic material (DNA): In recombinant DNA technology, it is essential to isolate DNA in pure form free from other marco molecules. Since DNA molecule is enclosed with the membrane in the call. We have to break open the cell to release DNA along with other macromolecules like RNA, proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. This is carried out in bacterial cells, plant and animal cells with certain enzymes.
The other macro molecules can be removed by appropriate treatment with specific enzymes. Finally, the purified DNA molecules are precipiatated out after the addition of chilled ethanol and this can be seen as collection of fine threads in the suspension.
(b) Cutting of DNA at specific locations: The isolated purified DNA molecule is cut ( cleaved) with the help of a suitable enzyme called restriction endonclease, into segments with sticky ends.
( c) Gel electrophoresis : The cut DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis using agarose gel. DNA is a negatively charged molecule, hence it moves towards the positive electrode ( anode).
(d) Amplification of Gene of interest using PCR : Amplification of gene is 'a process of making many copies of a gene'. It is achieved by using a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Procedure of PCR :
1. The DNA from the desired segment to be amplified, an excess of the two primer molecules, the four deoxyribose triphosphates and DNA polymerase are mixed together in a reaction mixture in a eppendorf tube with sufficient quantities of MG+ . The eppendorf tube is placed in the PCR unit and the following operations are performed sequentially.
2. Denaturation : The reaction mixture is first subjected to a temperature between 90−98∘C ( commonly 94∘C ). It results in the separation of two strands of DNA due to the breakage of hydrogen bonds. This is called denaturation. Each strand of DNA acts as a template strand for DNA synthesis. The duration of this step in the first cycle of PCR is usually 2 minutes at 94∘C.
3. Annealing (anneal=join) : The mixture is now cooled to a low temperature (40−60∘C). During this step, two oligonucleotide primers, complementary to a region of DNA, anneal (hybridize) one to each 3 end of DNA strand. The duration of annealing step is usually one minute during the first as well as the subsequent cycles of PCR.
4. Primer extension : During this step, the enzyme taq DNA polymerase extend the primers using nucleotides and DNA templates. The two primers extent towards each other in order to get two new strands of DNA ( at 5) end. The duration of primer extension is usually 2 minutes at 72∘C. The amplified fragment if required can now be used to ligate with vector for further cloning. The taq DNA polymerase remains active, during the high temperature induced denaturation of double stranded DNA.
(e) Insertion of recombinant DNA into the host :
1. Electroporation : The bacterial cell is placed in a solution with cold CaCl2 solution followed by placing them at 42∘C intermittently . This results in the development of pores in the cellmembrance. Now the recombinant plasmid migrates into the host cell and the bacterial cell gets transformed .
2. Microinjection : It is direct injection of a desired gene into the nucleus of an animal cell by microsyringe .
3. Biolistics : Here a suitable plant -cell is bombarded with high velocity microparticles (1-2 mm) of gold or tungsten coated with DNA in order to introduce the DNA into the cell .
(f) Obtaining the foreign gene product :
⋅ The transgene expresses it self in the form of protein (s) under appropriate conditions .
⋅ The product (s) can be extracted from the medium by employing a suitable procedure .
⋅ The transgenic cells may be cultured in the laboratory to obtain the transgene product on a small scale .
⋅ The transgenic cells can also be cultured/multiplied in a continuous culture system , in which the used medium is drained out from one side and fresh medium is added from the other side for the production of larger biomass and the desired product.
⋅ Bioreactors are used for processing large volumes of culture for obtaining the product of interest in sufficient quantities on a commercial scale .
(g) Downstream Processing : The products formed in a bioreactor have to be subjected through a series of processes before they are ready for marketing as finished products. The various processes used for the recovery of useful products are collectively called downstream processing. The processes include separation and purification of the product, addition of suitable preservatives and a stringent quality control testing etc. Such formulation has to undergo strict clinical trials as in the case of drugs. These quality control testing and clinical trials vary from product to product.
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