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Write the major causes of biodiversity losses.Solution in Kannada

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The major causes of biodiversity losses are: (a) Habitat loss and fragmentation: Habitats are destroyed by many humans activities. It is the primary causes for loss of biodiversity of habitat.Human'settelments,harbours,dams,reservoirs,roads, railway lines,industries,mines etc. , have reduced the natural habitats of wild life. Fragmentation develops barriers which limit potential of one species to colonize new areas. The species now becomes more vulnerable to extinction by means of fire, wind and predators. Deforestation leads to decreases in population of species and also reduces the area of free movement of wild animals,and may lower their reproductive capacity. Environmental pollution has degraded many important habitats, resulting in decrease in life. (b) Over-exploitation: Humans have always depended on nature for food and shelter,but when ' need' turns to 'greed',it leads to overexplotation of natural resources. Extinctions of steller's cow,passenger pigeon were due to over exploitation by humans. (c) Alien species invasions: International or chance introduction of exotic species into new islands or countries by man adversely affects the native species. The Nile perch introduced into Lake Victoria led to the extinction of more than 200 species of cichlid fish in the lake. (d) Co-extinctions: Co extinction of a species is the loss of one species upon the extinction of another. An example is the case of a coevolved plant-pollinator mutualism where extinction of one invariably leads to the extinction of the other. (e) Disturbance and degradation : They are of two types, natural and manmade.Natral disturbance and degradation are caused by spontaneous jungle fire, pest infestation, defoliation by insects, locust attack,etc. Man-made disturbances and degradations are more severe. They include felling of trees,use of fire for clearing forest areas, collection of litter, and over-explotation for other economically important products. Disturbance and degradation result in loss of biodiversity. (f) Pollution: Excessive use of pesticides has polluted both ground water and surface water bodies. Many sensitive species have disappeard. There is tendency of pesticode biomagnification which results in higher concentration with the rise in trophic level.It has resulted in drastic decline in the population of fish eating birds and falcons. Run off from fertilizer rich fields causes nutrient enrichment of water bodies. The phenomenon is called eutrophication. There is an additional dense growth of plants and animals followed by depletion oxygen,death of animals and fouling of water. Lead and other types of heavy metals poured into water bodies lead to mortality of many animals and birds. (g) Intensive Agriculture : Spread of agriculture is at the cost of wetland,grasslands and forests. Destruction of habitats results in extinction of species. Intensive agriculture leads to reduction in the genetic diversity. It increases vulnerability of the crop plants to sudden attack by pathagens and pests. (h) Wild life: Wild life resources provide aesthetic, recreational and economic benefits. It keeps the delicate balance of ecosphere. For example,many birds and insects are nesessary for cross pollination of flowers.The healthy vegetation is also depending upon natural browsing and grazing, If many carnivores are killed,herbivores become dominat and there would be a predation pressure, which makes the "status of past" for crops. In the last about 2000 years, the world has lost more than 160 species of mammals and birds which have became extinct and many others are becoming endangered species. Endangered and threatened species are due to various unfavorable factors and unprecedented interference by human beings. (i) Forestry: There is a tendency to grow economially im[portant trees in pure strands, e.g., sal, Teak. It drives away or annihilates other species found in forests. Also pure stands are liable to be attacked by insects and pathogens. (j) Introduction of exotic species: Non-native or alien species are introduced for their economic and other uses. These species are considered to be the second major causes of extinction of some species (the first being habitat destruction). Island ecosystems are the most vulnerable due to their small number of species.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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