Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Distinguish between perfect competition and monopolistic competition.

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~Perfect Competition: The product is homogeneous, i.e. it is identical in all respects like size, shape, quality, etc. Monopolistic Competition: The product is differentiated on the basis of brand, size, color, shape,etc. ~Perfect Competition: No selling costs are incurred as buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about market conditions. Monopolistic Competition: Heavy selling costs are incurred on sales promotion due to lack of perfect knowledge among buyers and sellers. ~Perfect Competition: Firm is a price taker as price is determined by the industry. Monopolistic Competition: Firm has partial control over price due to product differentiation. ~Perfect Competition: Buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about market conditions. Monopolistic Competition: Buyers and sellers do not have perfect knowledge due to product differentiation and selling costs incurred by sellers. ~Perfect Competition: Demand curve is perfectly elastic as price remains the same at all levels of output. Monopolistic Competition: Demand curve slopes downwards as more output can be sold only at less price.
