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Difference between perfect competition and monopoly.

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~ In perfect competition. there are very large no. of sellers and no individual seller has control over activities of other firms where as in monopoly, there is a single seller and the monopolist has full control over the supply. ~The product is homogeneous i.e it is identical in all respects in perfect competition while there are no close substitutes off the product in monopoly. ~In perfect competition, there is freedom of entry and exit. It leads to absence of abnormal profits and losses in the long run. Where as in monopoly, there is restriction on entry and exit. So a firm can earn abnormal profits and losses in the long run. ~Perfect competition: Firm is the price taker as price is determined by the industry. Monopoly: Monopolist is a price-maker as firm and industry are one and the same thing. ~Perfect competition: Buyer and sellers have perfect knowledge about market conditions. Monopoly: Buyers and sellers do not have perfect knowledge. ~Perfect competition: Demand curve is perfectly elastic as price remains same at all levels of output. Monopoly: Demand curve slopes downward as more output can be sold only at less price. ~Perfect competition: No selling costs are incurred as buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about market conditions. Monopoly: Selling costs are incurred for informative purposes due to lack of perfect knowledge.
