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The electricity bills (in rupees) of 25 houses of a certain locality for a month are given below:
324, 700, 617, 400, 356, 365, 435, 506, 548, 738, 780, 378, 570, 685, 312, 630, 584, 674, 754, 776, 596, 747, 565, 763, 472.
Arrange the above data in increasing order and form a frequency table using equal class intervals, starting from 300-400, where 400 is not included.

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To solve the problem of arranging the electricity bills in increasing order and forming a frequency table, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Arrange the Data in Increasing Order
First, we need to list the given electricity bills in increasing order. The bills are:
324, 700, 617, 400, 356, 365, 435, 506, 548, 738, 780, 378, 570, 685, 312, 630, 584, 674, 754, 776, 596, 747, 565, 763, 472.

Arranging these values in increasing order gives us:
312, 324, 356, 365, 378, 400, 435, 472, 506, 548, 565, 570, 584, 596, 617, 630, 674, 685, 700, 738, 747, 754, 763, 776, 780.

Step 2: Define Class Intervals
Next, we will define the class intervals starting from 300 to 400 (where 400 is not included) and then continue in increments of 100:
- 300 - 400
- 400 - 500
- 500 - 600
- 600 - 700
- 700 - 800

Step 3: Tally the Frequencies
Now, we will count how many bills fall into each class interval:

1. 300 - 400: The values are 312, 324, 356, 365, 378. (Total: 5)
2. 400 - 500: The values are 400, 435, 472, 506, 548. (Total: 5)
3. 500 - 600: The values are 565, 570, 584, 596. (Total: 4)
4. 600 - 700: The values are 617, 630, 674, 685. (Total: 4)
5. 700 - 800: The values are 700, 738, 747, 754, 763, 776, 780. (Total: 7)

Step 4: Create the Frequency Table
Now we can create a frequency table with the class intervals, tally marks, and frequencies:

| Class Interval | Tally Marks | Frequency |
| 300 - 400 | ||||| | 5 |
| 400 - 500 | ||||| | 5 |
| 500 - 600 | |||| | 4 |
| 600 - 700 | |||| | 4 |
| 700 - 800 | ||||||| | 7 |

Step 5: Verify the Total Frequency
Finally, we can verify that the total frequency sums up to 25:
5 (from 300-400) + 5 (from 400-500) + 4 (from 500-600) + 4 (from 600-700) + 7 (from 700-800) = 25.
