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Write short note on :
Continuous and discontinuous spectrum.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Continuous Spectrum:
A continuous spectrum is a type of spectrum that contains all the wavelengths of light without any gaps. It is produced when light is emitted over a wide range of wavelengths, resulting in a smooth and uninterrupted distribution of colors.

2. Characteristics of Continuous Spectrum:
- It includes all colors of light from red to violet.
- It can be observed when white light, such as sunlight, is passed through a prism. The prism disperses the light into its constituent colors, forming a continuous band.
- There are no missing wavelengths; every wavelength within a certain range is present.

3. Definition of Discontinuous Spectrum:
A discontinuous spectrum, also known as a line spectrum, consists of distinct lines or bands of color, with gaps between them. This type of spectrum is produced by specific elements or compounds when they emit light at certain wavelengths.

4. Characteristics of Discontinuous Spectrum:
- It appears as a series of bright lines on a dark background, each corresponding to a specific wavelength of light.
- It is observed when gases or vapors are excited (e.g., through heating or electrical discharge), causing them to emit light at particular wavelengths.
- Each element has a unique line spectrum, which can be used to identify the element.

5. Comparison of Continuous and Discontinuous Spectrum:
- Continuous spectrum contains all wavelengths without gaps, while discontinuous spectrum has distinct lines with gaps.
- Continuous spectrum is produced by broad sources of light (like the sun), whereas discontinuous spectrum is produced by specific elements.
