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The digit in the units place of the product (2464)1793× (615)317× (131)491 is 0 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the digit in the units place of the product (2464)1793×(615)317×(131)491, we will analyze the units digits of each base raised to their respective powers.

Step 1: Find the units digit of (2464)1793

The units digit of 2464 is 4. We need to find the units digit of 41793.

The units digits of powers of 4 follow a pattern:
- 41=4 (units digit is 4)
- 42=16 (units digit is 6)
- 43=64 (units digit is 4)
- 44=256 (units digit is 6)

The pattern repeats every two terms: 4,6.

To determine which units digit to use for 41793, we find 1793mod2:
- 1793÷2=896 remainder 1.

Since the remainder is 1, the units digit of 41793 is 4.

Step 2: Find the units digit of (615)317

The units digit of 615 is 5. The units digit of any power of 5 is always 5.

Thus, the units digit of (615)317 is 5.

Step 3: Find the units digit of (131)491

The units digit of 131 is 1. The units digit of any power of 1 is always 1.

Thus, the units digit of (131)491 is 1.

Step 4: Combine the units digits

Now we combine the units digits we found:
- Units digit of (2464)1793 is 4.
- Units digit of (615)317 is 5.
- Units digit of (131)491 is 1.

Now we compute the product of these units digits:

The units digit of 20 is 0.


Thus, the digit in the units place of the product (2464)1793×(615)317×(131)491 is 0.

The correct answer is (a) 0.

