The value of 4210000 in decimal fraction is .0042 (b) .00042 (c) .0420 (d) 42000

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To convert the fraction 4210000 into a decimal fraction, follow these steps:

1. Understand the fraction: The fraction 4210000 means 42 divided by 10,000.

2. Identify the decimal point: When converting a whole number to a decimal, we can think of the number as having an implicit decimal point at the end. So, 42 can be written as 42.0.

3. Determine the movement of the decimal point: Since we are dividing by 10,000, we need to move the decimal point to the left. The number of places we move the decimal point corresponds to the number of zeros in 10,000, which is 4.

4. Move the decimal point: Starting from 42.0, we move the decimal point 4 places to the left:
- Moving 1 place: 4.20
- Moving 2 places: 0.420
- Moving 3 places: 0.0420
- Moving 4 places: 0.0042

5. Final result: After moving the decimal point 4 places to the left, we get 0.0042.

Thus, the value of 4210000 in decimal fraction is 0.0042.

(a) 0.0042
