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The least number by which 1470 must be divided to get a number which is a perfect square, is (a) 5       (b) 6      (c) 15     (d) 30

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To find the least number by which 1470 must be divided to get a perfect square, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of 1470
First, we need to perform the prime factorization of 1470.

- Start by dividing by the smallest prime number, which is 2:
- Next, divide 735 by the next smallest prime, which is 3:
- Now, divide 245 by the next smallest prime, which is 5:
- Finally, divide 49 by 7:
- And 7 is a prime number itself.

So, the prime factorization of 1470 is:

Step 2: Identify the Exponents
Now, we need to look at the exponents of the prime factors:
- 21
- 31
- 51
- 72

Step 3: Making Pairs for Perfect Square
For a number to be a perfect square, all the exponents in its prime factorization must be even.

- The exponent of 2 is 1 (odd).
- The exponent of 3 is 1 (odd).
- The exponent of 5 is 1 (odd).
- The exponent of 7 is 2 (even).

Step 4: Determine the Least Number to Divide
To make all the exponents even, we need to divide by:
- 21 (to make it even, we need to remove one factor of 2)
- 31 (to make it even, we need to remove one factor of 3)
- 51 (to make it even, we need to remove one factor of 5)

Thus, we need to divide by:

The least number by which 1470 must be divided to get a perfect square is 30.

(d) 30

