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What is the smallest number to be subtracted from 549162 in order to make it a perfect square? (a) 28       (b) 36      (c) 62      (d) 81

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To find the smallest number to be subtracted from 549162 in order to make it a perfect square, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the square root of 549162
We can use the division method to find the square root.

1. Pair the digits of the number from right to left: (54)(91)(62).
2. Start with the leftmost pair (54). The largest integer whose square is less than or equal to 54 is 7 (since 7² = 49).
3. Subtract 49 from 54, which gives us 5. Bring down the next pair (91) to get 591.
4. Double the quotient (7) to get 14 and find a digit (x) such that (14x)(x) is less than or equal to 591. Testing with x = 4 gives us (144)(4) = 576, which is less than 591.
5. Subtract 576 from 591 to get 15. Bring down the next pair (62) to get 1562.
6. Double the quotient (74) to get 148 and find a digit (y) such that (148y)(y) is less than or equal to 1562. Testing with y = 1 gives us (1481)(1) = 1481, which is less than 1562.
7. Subtract 1481 from 1562 to get 81.

So, the approximate square root of 549162 is 741.

Step 2: Calculate the square of the integer part of the square root
Now we square the integer part of the square root we found:


Step 3: Find the difference between 549162 and 549081
Now, we need to find the difference between the original number and the perfect square we found:


The smallest number to be subtracted from 549162 to make it a perfect square is 81.

