Enlist six characters of phylum Annelids. Give three examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Coelomate Body Structure:
- Annelids are coelomates, which means they possess a true coelom (body cavity) that is completely lined by mesoderm. This distinguishes them from other types of worms.

2. Metameric Segmentation:
- The body of annelids is segmented, a feature known as metameric segmentation. Each segment, or metamere, is a distinct unit that contains its own set of organs and structures.

3. Regeneration Ability:
- Due to their segmented body structure, annelids have a remarkable ability to regenerate lost segments. If an annelid is cut, it can often regrow the missing parts.

4. Respiration:
- Annelids primarily respire through their body surface. They have a moist skin that allows for gas exchange directly with the environment.

5. Excretory System:
- The excretory organs in annelids are called nephridia. These structures are found in each segment and are responsible for the removal of waste products from the body.

6. Locomotion:
- Annelids exhibit various forms of locomotion. They may have structures called setae (small bristle-like appendages) that aid in movement. Some species also possess parapodia, which are fleshy protrusions that help in crawling, especially in marine annelids.

Examples of Annelids:
1. Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris): A common terrestrial annelid known for its role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling.
2. Leech (Hirudo medicinalis): A freshwater annelid known for its blood-sucking habits and medicinal uses.
3. Marine Worm (Nereis): A type of polychaete that lives in marine environments and has parapodia for locomotion.

