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Enlist six peculiar characters of class Aves. State three examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Presence of Feathers: One of the most distinctive features of class Aves (birds) is the presence of feathers. Feathers are unique to birds and play a crucial role in insulation, waterproofing, and flight.

2. Ability to Fly: Most birds have the ability to fly, which is facilitated by their lightweight body structure and wing adaptations. However, there are exceptions, such as flightless birds like ostriches and emus.

3. Modified Forelimbs: In birds, the forelimbs are modified into wings. This adaptation is essential for flight and varies among different species depending on their flying capabilities.

4. Dry Skin: Birds have dry skin that lacks glands, except for an oil gland located at the base of the tail. This oil is used to coat their feathers, helping to keep them waterproof and in good condition.

5. Hollow Bones: The bones of birds are lightweight and hollow, which reduces their overall body weight. This adaptation is crucial for flight, as it allows birds to be lighter and more agile in the air.

6. Warm-Blooded (Homeothermic): Birds are warm-blooded, meaning they can maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the environment. This characteristic allows them to thrive in various habitats.

Examples of Class Aves:
1. Corvus (Crow): A common bird known for its intelligence and adaptability.
2. Columba (Pigeon): Often found in urban areas, pigeons are known for their homing ability.
3. Pavo (Peacock): Known for its vibrant plumage and elaborate tail feathers, especially during courtship displays.
