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Which type of organisation in found coelenteratas ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Phylum: Coelenterates belong to the phylum Coelenterata, which is also known as Cnidaria. This is the first step in understanding the type of organization present in these organisms.

Hint: Remember that Coelenterata is synonymous with Cnidaria, which is key to understanding their characteristics.

2. Understand the Unique Features: Coelenterates are characterized by the presence of specialized cells known as cnidoblasts or nematocytes. These cells contain stinging capsules that help in capturing prey and defense.

Hint: Focus on the role of nematocytes in coelenterates; they are crucial for their survival and interaction with the environment.

3. Determine the Level of Organization: The organization in coelenterates is at the tissue level. This means that their cells are organized into tissues, which are groups of similar cells that perform a specific function.

Hint: Recall that tissue level organization is a step above cellular organization, where cells work together for a common purpose.

4. Define Tissue Level Organization: Tissue level organization refers to a structure where similar cells group together to perform a function. For example, in coelenterates, the cells that form the nematocytes work together to aid in feeding and defense.

Hint: Think of tissues as teams of cells working together, much like how players on a sports team collaborate to achieve a goal.

5. Provide Examples: Common examples of coelenterates include jellyfish (scientific name: Aurelia) and sea anemones. These examples illustrate the diversity within the phylum and the presence of tissue level organization.

Hint: Remembering specific examples helps solidify your understanding of the characteristics of coelenterates.

Final Answer: Coelenterates exhibit a tissue level of organization.
