Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

What is meant by freedom? Is there a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation?

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Freedom refers to do all those things which do not harm to others and, are essential for a person.s own development. There is a close relationship between the freedom for individual and for the nation because:
(i) If a nation is free, every individual of it, will be free to enhance their creativities and capabilities.
(ii) Development of a nation depends on cooperation, creativity and capabilities of individuals, which can be exercised in the absence of external constraints.
(iii) A free society enables all its members to develop their potentials with the minimum of social constraints.
(iv)Though, no society can be imagined without the absence of constraints but it is necessary to determine whether it is acceptable or justified.
(v) Social constraints are necessary to be examined through debates, discussions between individual and the society.
