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Ours is an age of science. Science has brought about marvellous change in the life of man. The invention of wireness, telegraph have added to our moments of joy. It has given us television. Tele means distance, and vision means sight. Television thus means seeing things within a limited range of aistance. It has revolutionised our life. We cannot hear the actors, singers and speakers but also see them in action, hundreds of miles away. We can have a glimpse of various activities. We can enjoy matches. Television is no more luxury. It has become a necessity. It has become the greatest source of entertainment. After hard day's labour, one can relax by watching T. V. Programmes. It caters to the needs of persons of every age and taste. It relays chitrahar, serials children programmes and cinema which provide amusement. Besides entertainment, it also educates selected teaching give lesson on the T. V. on different subjects. In fact, learning through T. V. is more interesting. The U.G.C. beams a daily programme for the youth.
In addition., there are special programmes dealing with cooking, knitting, stiching, interior decoration, flower decoration etc. Everything is done practicaly by the experts. A house-wife can learn a lot.
T.V. has a special influence on the viewers. Programmes telecast through it have special appeal. It thus serves a great deal in moulding public opinion. That is why television is used to promote national goals such as population control, national integration and economic development. There is however, the dark side also. It produces unde craze is children. They want to see each and every programme. As a result, they differ in education. Some programmes have a bad effect on them. Moreover, they want to watch it from close distance. They may damage their eyesight also.
We should allow our children to watch only the good and useful programmes.
