Explain any one of the following:
(a) The common people lived independently and followed their agricultural occupation
(b) Even more important than the domestication of animals was the invention of agriculture,…
(c ) Seibi is now engrossed in his pictures. He no longer feels any bitterness towards the teachers,...
(d) .... he knew nothing about the stock-markerts. But he knew everything about a hen.
This line has been taken from ''Indian Civilization and culture.'' It is written by Mahatma Gandhi. This extract talks about the sound foundation of Indian civilization which ahs successfully withstood the passage of time. The western civilization which has the tendency to priviledge materiality cannot match the Indian civilization theat elevates the moral being. The common people lived independently and fellowed their agricultural occupation. They enjoyed true Home Rule.
(b) This line has been taken from ''Idea That Have Helped Mankind''. It is written by Bertrand Russell. His writings emphasise reason, Intelligence , human happiness, peace and liberty. He emphasises on agricultural activity and says Even more important than the domestication of animal as the invention of agriculature which however, introduce blood-thirsty practices into religion that lasted from many centuries. Fertility rites tended to involve human sacrifice and cannibalism.
(c ) This line has been taken from the story ''The Artist''. It is written by Shinga Naoya, a Japanese writer. He wrote very sensitively about his people and thier culture. This story unfurls before us the world of a talented Japanese body Seibei. It shows how the adult world often causes damage to such talents. The line was said towards his teachers as well as his father ho smashed all his precious gourds to pieces.
(d) This line has been taken from ''The Earth''. It is written by H.E Bates. Benjy in the text went on creating more houses for more hens, and then selling more eggs and making more money. He could not have made a pair of boots, he knew nothing about stock-market more money. But he knew everything about a hen.
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