Statement - A car company 'Aristo' was famous car manufacturing company 7 years ago but company's production has been declining from past 5 years. So , after all these mis happenings the company is forced to shut down now. Which of the following could be the most possible reason for the above mentioned statement ?
The company did not have enough funds to buy raw material which was required for the product.
The employees of the company are not satisfied in their job.
The machinery was too old abd was not in proper working condition.
The demand of the product has been declining from past 5 years.
The correct Answer is:D
For (a), Raw material plays an important role in production of a product and adequate funds are also required for it but there are alternatives available for it such as loans to fulfill the requirement so (a) is not the most possible reason.employees satisfaction and proper machinery plays a vital role in growth of the company but again both of these can be replaced or modified . So, (b) and (c) do not follow. statement (e) is vague. so, the most possible reason is (d) as the demand has been declined from past 5 years hence the production also declined.
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View Solutionनिम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें :
कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
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कथन I : माना कि ddx{f(x)+c}=F(x) तब ∫F(x)dx=f(x)+c
कथन II : समाकलन, अवकलन का प्रतिलोम प्रक्रम है | इन कथनो में :
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें :
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