Statement - as the festive season is round the corner, the country is on high alert due to rise in the level of pollution. So, government has given the orders to use green crackers in place of conventional crackers just few days before Diwali. These green crackers are environment friendly and cost effective fire-craker and produce 20-30% less pollution over conventional one.
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the given statement ?
(I) Fire crackers release pollutant which in turn mixed with air and cause pollution.
(II) In festive season the level of pollution gets increased.
(III) The government is taking various steps to decline the level of pollution.
(IV) the green fire crackers are quite expensive, so the shopkeepers will have to bear loss.
I and II
II and III
I and IV
only IV
The correct Answer is:D
Only IV, is incorrect as it is mentioned in above statement that green crackers are cost effective whereas the (IV) statement states that green fire crackers are quite expensive.
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