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Give any two real-life examples for congruent shapes

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Congruent Shapes:
- Congruent shapes are figures that have the same size and shape. This means that all corresponding sides and angles are equal.

2. Identifying Real-Life Examples:
- We need to find two examples from everyday life where we can observe congruent shapes.

3. Example 1: Pages of a Notebook:
- When we look at the pages of a notebook, each page is identical in size and shape. Therefore, any two pages from the same notebook are congruent shapes.

4. Example 2: Tennis Balls of the Same Brand:
- If we consider tennis balls from the same brand, each ball is manufactured to be identical in size, shape, and design. Thus, any two tennis balls from the same brand are also congruent shapes.

5. Conclusion:
- The two real-life examples of congruent shapes are:
1. Pages of a notebook
2. Tennis balls of the same brand

