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what is protoplast fusion ?

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Step-by-Step Solution for the Question: What is Protoplast Fusion?

1. Definition of Protoplast Fusion: Protoplast fusion is a biotechnological process used primarily in plant science to modify and create new plant species by fusing the protoplasts (the living part of a plant cell without its cell wall) from two different plant species.

2. Purpose of Protoplast Fusion: The main purpose of protoplast fusion is to introduce new traits or characteristics into a plant species. This can lead to the development of hybrid plants that possess desirable traits from both parent species.

3. Extraction of Protoplasts: The first step in the process is to extract protoplasts from the two different plant species. This is typically done using specific enzymes:
- Cellulase: This enzyme breaks down cellulose, which is a major component of the plant cell wall.
- Pectinase: This enzyme helps in breaking down pectin, another component of the cell wall.

4. Fusion of Protoplasts: Once the protoplasts are extracted, the next step is to fuse them together. This fusion can occur naturally or can be facilitated by using techniques such as:
- Chemical Fusion: Using chemicals like polyethylene glycol (PEG) to induce fusion.
- Electrical Fusion: Applying an electric field to encourage the protoplasts to merge.

5. Formation of Hybrid Plants: After the fusion of protoplasts, a hybrid cell is formed. This hybrid cell contains genetic material from both parent species.

6. Cultivation of Hybrid Plants: The hybrid cells are then cultured in a suitable medium to develop into a whole plant. This plant can exhibit traits from both parent species, leading to new varieties with potentially improved characteristics.

7. Applications: Protoplast fusion is used in plant breeding, genetic engineering, and the development of disease-resistant or high-yielding plant varieties.
