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If the distances of the vertices of a triangle =ABC from the points of contacts of the incercle with sides are α,βandγ then prove that r2=αβγα+β+γ

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To prove that r2=αβγα+β+γ, where α,β,γ are the distances from the vertices of triangle ABC to the points of contact of the incircle with the sides, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the distances
Let A,B,C be the vertices of triangle ABC, and let D,E,F be the points of contact of the incircle with sides BC,CA,AB respectively. The distances from the vertices to the points of contact are defined as:
- α=SA
- β=SB
- γ=SC

where S is the semi-perimeter of the triangle given by S=A+B+C2.

Step 2: Find the sum of distances
Now, we can find the sum of these distances:

Step 3: Calculate the product of distances
Next, we calculate the product αβγ:

Step 4: Relate the product to the area of the triangle
Using the formula for the area Δ of triangle ABC in terms of its semi-perimeter S and its sides A,B,C:
Thus, we can express (SA)(SB)(SC) in terms of the area:

Step 5: Substitute back into the equation
Now substituting back into our expression for αβγ:

Step 6: Combine results
Now we can substitute αβγ and α+β+γ into our original equation:

Step 7: Relate area to radius
We know that the area Δ can also be expressed in terms of the inradius r and the semi-perimeter S:

Combining all these results, we have:
