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If 1 2 e x 2 d x = a , t h e n e e 4 1 n x d x is equal to (a) 2 e 4 - 2 e - a (b) 2 e 4 - e - a (c) 2 e 4 - e - 2 a (d) e 4 - e - a

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To solve the problem, we need to evaluate the integral e4elnxdx given that 21ex2dx=a.

1. Substitution:
Let's set lnx=t2. Then, differentiating both sides gives:
Since x=et2, we have:

2. Changing the Limits:
Now we need to change the limits of integration:
- When x=e, lne=1 so t2=1 which gives t=1.
- When x=e4, ln(e4)=4 so t2=4 which gives t=2.

Therefore, the limits change from x=e to x=e4 into t=1 to t=2.

3. Rewriting the Integral:
The integral can now be rewritten as:

4. Integration by Parts:
We will use integration by parts where:
- Let u=t2 and dv=et2dt.
- Then du=2tdt and v=12et2.

Applying integration by parts:
Simplifying gives:

5. Evaluating the Integral:
Now we evaluate:
The integral et2tdt can be related back to our original integral 21ex2dx=a.

6. Final Calculation:
Evaluating at the limits:

Thus, the final answer is:
The correct option is (c) 2e4e2a.
