Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw the graph of f(x)={2x}, where {} represents the fractional part function.

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To draw the graph of the function f(x)={2x}, where {} represents the fractional part function, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Fractional Part Function
The fractional part function {x} is defined as:
where x is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. This means that the fractional part of a number is the non-integer part of that number.

Step 2: Calculate Values of f(x)
We will compute f(x) for several values of x to understand the behavior of the function.

- For x=0:

- For x=0.25:

- For x=0.5:

- For x=0.75:

- For x=1:

- For x=1.25:

- For x=1.5:

- For x=1.75:

Step 3: Identify the Pattern
From the calculations, we can see that:
- The function f(x) takes the value 0 at integer values of x (0, 1, 2, ...).
- The function f(x) takes the value 0.5 at x=0.25,0.75,1.25,1.75,....

Step 4: Graph the Function
Now we can plot the points we calculated:
- Points: (0,0),(0.25,0.5),(0.5,0),(0.75,0.5),(1,0),(1.25,0.5),(1.5,0),(1.75,0.5)

The graph will consist of segments:
- From (0,0) to (0.5,0), the graph will be a horizontal line at y=0.
- From (0.5,0) to (1,0), the graph will again be a horizontal line at y=0.
- From (1,0) to (1.5,0), it will be horizontal again at y=0.
- The segments between these points will rise to y=0.5 and drop back to y=0 at each integer.

Final Graph
The graph will consist of repeating segments that alternate between 0 and 0.5 for every half unit interval.
