Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw the graph of y=2{x}, where {} represents the fractional part function.

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To draw the graph of the function y=2{x}, where {x} represents the fractional part of x, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Fractional Part Function
The fractional part function {x} is defined as:
This means that {x} gives the decimal part of x. For example:
- If x=2.3, then {2.3}=2.32=0.3
- If x=1.5, then {1.5}=1.5(2)=0.5

Step 2: Identify the Periodicity
The fractional part function is periodic with a period of 1. This means that:
Thus, the function y=2{x} will also be periodic with a period of 1.

Step 3: Evaluate the Function at Key Points
We will evaluate y=2{x} at key points within one period (from x=0 to x=1):
- At x=0: {0}=0y=20=1
- At x=0.5: {0.5}=0.5y=20.5=21.414
- At x=1: {1}=0y=20=1

Step 4: Plot the Points
Now we can plot the points we calculated:
- (0,1)
- (0.5,2)
- (1,1)

Step 5: Sketch the Graph
Since the function is periodic, we can extend this pattern to other intervals:
- For 0<x<1, the graph will rise from 1 to 2 and back to 1.
- For 1<x<2, the graph will repeat the same pattern, starting from 1 at x=1 and rising to 2 at x=1.5, then back to 1 at x=2.
- This pattern continues for all integer intervals.

Step 6: Draw the Final Graph
The final graph will consist of a series of curves that rise from 1 to 2 and back down to 1 for each interval of x.
