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Discuss the continuity of the function f(x)={2x1 ,ifx<2,3x2ifx2

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To discuss the continuity of the function

f(x)={2x1if x<23x2if x2

we need to check the continuity at the point where the definition of the function changes, which is at x=2. A function is continuous at a point if the following three conditions are satisfied:

1. The function is defined at that point.
2. The limit of the function as x approaches that point exists.
3. The limit of the function as x approaches that point is equal to the value of the function at that point.

Step 1: Check if the function is defined at x=2

To check if the function is defined at x=2, we use the second piece of the function since it applies when x2:


Hint: Always start by evaluating the function at the point of interest.

Step 2: Calculate the left-hand limit as x approaches 2

The left-hand limit (LHL) is calculated using the first piece of the function, which applies when x<2:


Hint: When calculating the left-hand limit, use the piece of the function that applies to values less than the point.

Step 3: Calculate the right-hand limit as x approaches 2

The right-hand limit (RHL) is calculated using the second piece of the function, which applies when x2:


Hint: For the right-hand limit, use the piece of the function that applies to values greater than or equal to the point.

Step 4: Compare the limits and the function value

Now we compare the left-hand limit, right-hand limit, and the value of the function at x=2:

- LHL: 3
- RHL: 3
- f(2)=3

Since all three values are equal:



The function f(x) is continuous at x=2. Since both pieces of the function are continuous in their respective domains, we conclude that the function is continuous everywhere.

Final Answer: The function f(x) is continuous for all x.
