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Prove that the function f(x)={sinxx   ,   x<0, x+1   ,   x0 is everywhere continuous.

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To prove that the function

f(x)={sinxxif x<0x+1if x0

is everywhere continuous, we need to show that the left-hand limit (LHL) as x approaches 0, the right-hand limit (RHL) as x approaches 0, and the value of the function at x=0 are all equal.

Step 1: Calculate the Left-Hand Limit (LHL)

We need to find


For x<0, f(x)=sinxx. Thus, we have:


Using the standard limit result that


we find:


Step 2: Calculate the Right-Hand Limit (RHL)

Next, we calculate


For x0, f(x)=x+1. Thus, we have:


Step 3: Calculate f(0)

Now, we need to find the value of f(0):


Step 4: Conclusion

We have found that:

- limx0f(x)=1
- limx0+f(x)=1
- f(0)=1



we can conclude that the function f(x) is continuous at x=0.

Since f(x) is defined as sinxx for x<0 and x+1 for x0, and both parts are continuous in their respective domains, we can conclude that f(x) is continuous everywhere.

Final Statement

Thus, we have proved that the function f(x) is everywhere continuous.

