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Find the square root of the 0.813604 in the decimal form.

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To find the square root of 0.813604 in decimal form, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the Decimal to a Fraction
We can express 0.813604 as a fraction. Since there are six decimal places, we can write:

Step 2: Simplify the Fraction
Now, we can take the square root of both the numerator and the denominator:

Step 3: Calculate the Square Root of the Numerator
Next, we need to find 813604. We will use the long division method to find the square root.

1. Grouping the Digits: Start from the decimal point and group the digits in pairs from right to left. For 813604, we group it as 81|36|04.
2. Finding the Largest Square: The largest square less than or equal to 81 is 92=81. So, we write 9 above the line.
3. Subtracting and Bringing Down: Subtract 81 from 81 to get 0. Bring down the next pair 36 to get 036.
4. Doubling the Quotient: Double the 9 to get 18. Now we need to find a digit x such that 180x×x is less than or equal to 3604.
5. Finding the Digit: Trying 2:
180×2=360and360×2=720(which is less than 3604)
Trying 2 works, so we write 2 above the line next to 9 and subtract 3604 from 3604 to get 0.

Thus, we find:

Step 4: Final Calculation
Now substituting back into our earlier expression:

Final Answer
The square root of 0.813604 is:
