Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the square root of the 3600.720036 in the decimal form

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the square root of 3600.720036 using the long division method, follow these steps:

1. Set Up the Number for Long Division:
- Write the number 3600.720036 and group the digits in pairs starting from the decimal point.
- This gives us: 36|00|72|00|36.

2. Find the Largest Square:
- Look at the first group 36. The largest integer whose square is less than or equal to 36 is 6 (since \(6^2 = 36\)).
- Write 6 above the line.

3. Subtract and Bring Down:
- Subtract \(36\) from \(36\) to get \(0\).
- Bring down the next pair 00, making it 00.

4. Double the Quotient:
- Double the quotient (which is 6), giving 12. Write 12 down.

5. Find the Next Digit:
- Now, we need to find a digit x such that \(x \times (120 + x) \leq 00\). The only digit that works is 0.
- Write 0 above the line next to 6.

6. Subtract Again:
- Subtract \(0\) from \(00\) to get \(00\).
- Bring down the next pair 72, making it 72.

7. Double the Quotient Again:
- Double the current quotient (60), giving 120.
- Write 120 down.

8. Find the Next Digit Again:
- Now, we need to find a digit y such that \(y \times (1200 + y) \leq 72\). The only digit that works is 0.
- Write 0 above the line next to 60.

9. Subtract Again:
- Subtract \(0\) from \(72\) to get \(72\).
- Bring down the next pair 00, making it 7200.

10. Double the Quotient Again:
- Double the current quotient (600), giving 1200.
- Write 1200 down.

11. Find the Next Digit:
- Now, we need to find a digit z such that \(z \times (12000 + z) \leq 7200\). The digit that works is 6.
- Write 6 above the line next to 600.

12. Final Subtraction:
- Calculate \(6 \times (12006) = 72036\).
- Subtract \(72036\) from \(72000\) to get \(0\).

The square root of 3600.720036 is 160.006.
