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Write the cubes of 5 natural number which are multiples of 3 and verity the followings: The cube of a natural number which is a multiple of 3 is a multiple of 27’

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To solve the problem, we need to find the cubes of the first five natural numbers that are multiples of 3 and then verify the statement that the cube of a natural number which is a multiple of 3 is a multiple of 27.

Step 1: Identify the first five natural numbers that are multiples of 3.
The first five natural numbers that are multiples of 3 are:
1. 3 (3 x 1)
2. 6 (3 x 2)
3. 9 (3 x 3)
4. 12 (3 x 4)
5. 15 (3 x 5)

Step 2: Calculate the cubes of these numbers.
Now, we will calculate the cubes of these numbers:
1. 33=3×3×3=27
2. 63=6×6×6=216
3. 93=9×9×9=729
4. 123=12×12×12=1728
5. 153=15×15×15=3375

Step 3: List the cubes.
The cubes of the first five natural numbers that are multiples of 3 are:
- 33=27
- 63=216
- 93=729
- 123=1728
- 153=3375

Step 4: Verify that these cubes are multiples of 27.
Now, we will check if each of these cubes is a multiple of 27:
1. 27÷27=1 (multiple of 27)
2. 216÷27=8 (multiple of 27)
3. 729÷27=27 (multiple of 27)
4. 1728÷27=64 (multiple of 27)
5. 3375÷27=125 (multiple of 27)

All the cubes calculated are multiples of 27. Thus, we have verified that the cube of a natural number which is a multiple of 3 is indeed a multiple of 27.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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