Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure
1. Process 1: In the circuit the switch S is closed at t=0 and the capacitor if fully charged to voltage (i.e., charging continues for time T RC). In the process some dissipation () occurs across the resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is
Process 2 : In a different process the voltage is first set to and maintained for a charging time . Then the voltage is raised to without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a time T RC. The process is repeated one more time by raising the voltage to and the capacitor is charged to the same final voltage as in Process 1.
These two processes are depicted in figure 2.
In Process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor and heat dissipated across resistance are related by:
The correct Answer is:C
Step by step video, text & image solution for Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure 1. Process 1: In the circuit the switch S is closed at t=0 and the capacitor if fully charged to voltage V_0 (i.e., charging continues for time Tgt gt RC). In the process some dissipation (E_D) occurs across the resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is E_c Process 2 : In a different process the voltage is first set to (V_0)/(3) and maintained for a charging time T gt gt RC. Then the voltage is raised to (2V_0)/(3 ) without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a time Tgt gt RC. The process is repeated one more time by raising the voltage to V_0 and the capacitor is charged to the same final voltage V_0 as in Process 1. These two processes are depicted in figure 2. In Process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor E_C and heat dissipated across resistance E_D are related by: by Physics experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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View SolutionConsider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure 1.
Process 1 : In the circuit the switch S is closed at t=0 and the capacitor if fully charged to voltage V0 (i.e., charging continues for time T>>RC). In the process some dissipation (ED) occurs across the resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is Ec.
Process 2 : In a different process the voltage is first set to V03 and maintained for a charging time T>>RC. Then the voltage is raised to 2C03 without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a time T>>RC. The process is repeated one more time by raising the voltage to V0 and the capacitor is charged to the same final voltage V0 as in Process 1.
These two processes are depicted in figure 2.
In process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor Ec and heat dissipated across resistance ED are related by :
View SolutionConsider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure 1.
Process 1 : In the circuit the switch S is closed at t=0 and the capacitor if fully charged to voltage V0 (i.e., charging continues for time T>>RC). In the process some dissipation (ED) occurs across the resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is Ec.
Process 2 : In a different process the voltage is first set to V03 and maintained for a charging time T>>RC. Then the voltage is raised to 2C03 without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a time T>>RC. The process is repeated one more time by raising the voltage to V0 and the capacitor is charged to the same final voltage V0 as in Process 1.
These two processes are depicted in figure 2.
In process 2, total energy dissipated across the resistance ED is :
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View SolutionIn process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor EC and heat dissipated across resistance ED are related by -
View Solutionएक साधारण RC परिपथ को देखिए, जैसा चित्र 1 (Figure 1) में दर्शाया गया है। प्रक्रम 1 (Process1) t= 0 पर स्विच S द्वारा परिपथ पूर्ण किया जाता है एवं संधारित्र पूर्ण रूप से वोल्टता V0 से आवेशित हो जाता है। (T» RC समय तक आवेषण चलता रहता है। इस प्रक्रम में प्रतिरोध के द्वारा कुछ विद्युत-कर्जा क्षय (energy dissipated) ED होती है। पूर्ण रूप से आवेशित संधारित्र में संचित ऊर्जा (stored energy in a charged capacitor) का मान EC है।
Q प्रक्रम 1, में संधारित्र में संचित ऊर्जा EC और प्रतिरोध R द्वारा ऊर्जा क्षय E0में सम्बनध है।
View Solutionएक अलग प्रक्रम में पहले V03 बोल्टता को आवेशित समय T>> RC के लिए अनुरक्षित किया जाता है और बिना संधारित्र आवेश विसर्जन के समय को T>> RC के लिए अनुरक्षित करके वोल्टता को V0 तक बढ़ाया जाता है। वोल्टता को 2V03 तक बढ़ाने के लिए यह प्रक्रम एक और बार दोहराया जाता है संधारित्र को अंतिम वोल्टता (जैसे कि प्रक्रम 1 में) तक आवेशित किया जाता है। दोनों प्रक्रम चित्र 2 (ligure2) में दिखाया गए है।
Q के दौरान प्रतिरोध के द्वारा कुल क्षय ऊर्जा ED, है।
View Solutionयदि घन के भुजा पर आवेश q रखा जाता है, तो लंबाई a वाले घन के फलकों से होकर जाने वाला कुल फ्लक्स है
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