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Obtain the dimensions of (1) coefficient of thermal conductivity (2) Gas constant (3) Boltzmann constant (4) Planck's constant.

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Dimensions of temperature =[K]
1. coefficient of thermal conductivity K=QxA(T1T2)t
Q- heat energy x- distance , A-area of cross section
T1,T2 temperature t-time
Dimension of K=[ML2T2][L][L2][K][T]
3. Gas constnat R=PV/T, where T is for temperature
Dimensions of R=[ML1T2][L3][K]
3. Boltzmann constant k, energy =3/2kT
k=Dimensions of Energy Dimensions of temp
4. Planck.s constnat h
E=hv,h=Ev, E for energy and v for frequency
