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What is meant by :
benzoylation ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Benzoylation: Benzoylation refers to the chemical reaction that involves the introduction of a benzoyl group (C6H5CO-) into a molecule. This process typically occurs through the reaction of an amine with an aromatic acyl chloride.

2. Starting Materials: In a typical benzoylation reaction, we start with a primary amine (for example, methylamine, MeNH2) and an aromatic acyl chloride (for example, benzoyl chloride, C6H5COCl).

3. Mechanism of Reaction:
- The nitrogen atom in the primary amine has a lone pair of electrons, which allows it to act as a nucleophile.
- The lone pair on the nitrogen attacks the carbon atom of the carbonyl group (C=O) in the benzoyl chloride. This leads to the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate.
- As the reaction proceeds, the chlorine atom (Cl) is displaced, resulting in the formation of HCl and a new bond between the nitrogen and the carbonyl carbon.

4. Product Formation: The final product of this reaction is an N-substituted amide, specifically N-methylbenzamide. This compound features the benzoyl group attached to the nitrogen atom of the amine.

5. Naming the Reaction: The benzoylation reaction can also be referred to as the Schotten-Baumann reaction, which is a specific type of acylation reaction involving amines and acyl chlorides.

Final Summary: Benzoylation is the process of introducing a benzoyl group into a molecule, typically through the reaction of a primary amine with an aromatic acyl chloride, resulting in the formation of an N-substituted amide.

