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Draw neat and labelled diagrams of the Malpighian Capsule.

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Step-by-Step Solution for Drawing the Malpighian Capsule

1. Draw the Bowman's Capsule: Start by sketching a funnel-shaped structure. This is known as the Bowman's capsule, which is the initial part of the nephron in the kidney.

2. Add the Glomerulus: Inside the Bowman's capsule, draw a tangled network of capillaries. This structure is called the glomerulus. It should appear as a cluster of small blood vessels.

3. Draw the Afferent Arteriole: From the top of the Bowman's capsule, draw a small tube leading into the glomerulus. This is the afferent arteriole, which carries blood to the glomerulus.

4. Draw the Efferent Arteriole: From the glomerulus, draw another small tube leading away from it. This is the efferent arteriole, which carries blood away from the glomerulus.

5. Label the Diagram: Clearly label each part of the diagram:
- Bowman's Capsule
- Glomerulus
- Afferent Arteriole
- Efferent Arteriole
- Glomerular Filtrate (you can indicate this inside the Bowman's capsule to show the fluid that is filtered from the blood).

6. Final Touches: Make sure your diagram is neat and all parts are clearly visible. Use a ruler for straight lines and ensure that the labels are legible.
