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Define absolute zero and absolute scale of temperature.
Write the relationship between C and K.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Define Absolute Zero:
- Absolute zero is the theoretical lowest temperature possible, where all molecular motion stops. It is defined as 0 Kelvin (K) or -273.15 degrees Celsius (°C).

2. Define Absolute Scale of Temperature:
- The absolute scale of temperature is the Kelvin scale. It is called the absolute scale because it starts at absolute zero, which is -273.15 °C. The Kelvin scale does not have negative values, and it is used in scientific contexts to measure temperature.

3. Relationship Between Celsius and Kelvin:
- The relationship between degrees Celsius (°C) and Kelvin (K) can be expressed with the formula:
- This means that to convert a temperature from Celsius to Kelvin, you simply add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature.
