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Do all the stars in the sky move ? Explain .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Star Movement:
- Stars are not fixed in space; they are constantly moving. However, their movement can be difficult to detect from Earth due to the vast distances involved.

2. Observation from Earth:
- When we observe the night sky, we see stars appearing to move across the sky. This apparent movement is primarily due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

3. Pole Star Example:
- There is a special star known as the Pole Star (or Polaris) that is located nearly directly above the North Pole. Because of its position, as the Earth rotates, this star appears to remain stationary in the sky.

4. Conclusion:
- While most stars seem to move due to the rotation of the Earth, the Pole Star remains fixed in position, making it an exception. Therefore, not all stars in the sky appear to move.

Final Answer:
No, not all the stars in the sky move. For example, the Pole Star appears stationary because it is located directly above the North Pole, making it seem fixed as the Earth rotates.

