The final step in the tissue culture programme before the new plants are taken out for cultivation in the fields in known as:
1) Micropropagation
Step by step video & image solution for The final step in the tissue culture programme before the new plants are taken out for cultivation in the fields in known as: 1) Micropropagation 2) Embryogenesis 3) Totipotency 4) Hardening by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
The rate at which new born individuals are joining the population by reproduction is known as:
1) natality
2) mortality
3) Fertility
4) Vitality
View SolutionThe reaction 2AX(g)+2B2(g)→A2(g)+2B2X(g) has been studied kinetically and on the baiss of the rate law following mechanism has been proposed.
I. 2AX⇔A2X2 (fast and reverse)
II. A2X2+B2→A2X+B2X
III. A2X+B2→A2+B2X
where all the reaction intermediates are gases under ordinary condition.
form the above mechanism in which the steps (elementary) differ conisderably in their rates, the rate law is derived uisng the principle that the slowest step is the rate-determining step (RDS) and the rate of any step varies as the Product of the molar concentrations of each reacting speacting species raised to the power equal to their respective stoichiometric coefficients (law of mass action). If a reacting species is solid or pure liquid, its active mass, i.e., molar concentration is taken to be unity, the standard state. In qrder to find out the final rate law of the reaction, the concentration of any intermediate appearing in the rate law of the RDS is substituted in terms of the concentration of the reactant(s) by means of the law of mass action applied on equilibrium step.
Let the equilibrium constant of Step I be 2×10−3mol−1L and the rate constants for the formation of A2X and A2 in Step II and III are 3.0×10−2mol−1L−1min and 1×103mol−1L−1min (all data at 25∘C), then what is the overall rate constant (mol−2L2−1min) of the consumption of B2?
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Knowledge Check
Creating Worlds: A Career in Game Design
If you love video games and have thought about how the games you play might be changedor improved, or if you’ve imagined creating a video game of you rown, you might want to consider a careeras a video game designer. There were a number of steps you can take to determine whether game design is the right field for you and, if it is,to prepare yourself for such a career. Before making the choice, yous hould have some sense of what a video game designer does. Every video game, whether for acon sole, computer,or mobile device, starts with a concept that originates in the mind of a designer.The designer envisions the game’s fundamental elements: the settings, characters, and plots that make each game unique, and is thus a primary creative force behind a video game. Conceptualizing a game is only the beginning of a video game designer’s job, however,no matter how good a concept is, it will never be translated into a video game unless it is communicated effectively to all the other members of the video game development team. A designer must gene rate extensive documentation and explain his orher ideas clearly in order toen sure that the programmers, artists, and other son the team all share the same vision. Likewise,anyone considering a careeras a video game designer must be skilled writers and speakers.In addition,because video game development is a coll aborative effort and because the development of any one game may take months or even years, a designer must bean effective team player as well as detail oriented
[1]A basic understanding of computer programming is essential. [2] Infact, many designers initially begin their pursuits as programmers. [3] Consider taking some general computer science courses as well as courses in artificial intelligence and graphics in order to increase your understanding of the technical challenges involved in developing a video game.[4] Courses in psychology and human behavior may help you develop emphatic collaboration skills, while courses in the humanities, such as in literature and film, should give you the background necessary to develop effective narrative structures. [5] A
designer also needs careful educational preparation. [6] Finally ,because adesigner should understand the business aspects of the video game industry, such as budgeting and marketing,you may want to consider taking some busines scourses. [7] Although demanding and dead line driven, video game design can be a lucrative and rewarding field for people who love gaming and have prepared themselves witht he necessary skills and knowledge.ANo ChangeBhas beenCareDwas
Read the following statements regarding the mineral nutrition in plants
(1) For the elements that are actively mobilized within the plants, the deficiency symptoms tend to appear first in the young tissues.
(2) Manganese competes with iron and magnesium for uptake and with magnesium for binding with enzymes.
(3) Manganese inhibits calcium traslocation in shoot apex.
(4) Rhodospirillum is aerobic free-living nitrogen fixing microbe.
Which of these are correct
View SolutionRead the following statements regarding the mineral nutrition in plants
(1) For the elements that are actively mobilized within the plants, the deficiency symptoms tend to appear first in the young tissues.
(2) Manganese competes with iron and magnesium for uptake and with magnesium for binding with enzymes.
(3) Manganese inhibits calcium traslocation in shoot apex.
(4) Rhodospirillum is aerobic free-living nitrogen fixing microbe.
Which of these are correct
View SolutionFigure shows five lettered regions in which a uniform magnetic field extends directly either out of the page (as in region a) or into he page. The field is increasing in magnitude at the same steady rate in all five regions, the regions are identical in area. Also shows are four numbered paths along which ∮→E.→dl has the magnitudes given below in terms of a quantity mag. Determine whether the magnetic fields in regions b through e are directed into ot out of the page.
∣∣ ∣∣Path1234∮→E.→dlmag2(mag)3(mag)0∣∣ ∣∣
View SolutionA thermocol vessel contains 0.5kg of distilled water at 30∘C. A metal coil of area 5×10−3m2, number of turns 100, mass 0.06kg and resistance 1.6Ω is lying horizontally at the bottom of the vessel. A uniform time-varying magnetic field is set up to pass vertically through the coil at time t=0. The field is first increased from zero to 0.8T at a constant rate between 0 and 0.2s and then decreased to zero at the same rate between 0.2and0.4s. the cycle is repeated 12000 times. Make sketches of the current through the coil and the power dissipated in the coil as function of time for the first two cycles. Clearly indicate the magnitude of the quantities on the axes. Assumes that no heat is lost to the vessel or the surroundings. Determine the final tempreture of water under thermal equilibrium. Specific heat of metal =500jkg−1K−1 and the specific heat of water =4200jkg−1K−1. Neglect the inductance of coil.
View SolutionStatement 1 : Let S1:x2+y2−10x−12y−39=0, S2x2+y2−2x−4y+1=0 and S3:2x2+2y2−20x=24y+78=0. The radical center of these circles taken pairwise is (−2,−3). Statement 2 : The point of intersection of three radical axes of three circles taken in pairs is known as the radical center.
View SolutionFill in the blanks:
(1) Wheat, barley end rye have two kinds of varieties: winter and spring varieties. The ‘spring’ variety are normally planted in ....a.... and come to flower and produce grain before the end of growing season.
(2) 'Winter varieties, however if planned in ..b... would normally fail to flower or produce mature grain within a span of flowering season.
(3) hence ‘winter’ varieties are planted in ..c.... . They germinate, and over ........d come out as harvested usually around mid-summer.
View SolutionAs part of his discovery of the neutron in 1932, James Chadwick determined the mass of the neutron (newly identified particle) by firing a beam of fast meutrons, all having the same speed, as two different targets and measuing the maximum recoil speeds of the target nuclei. The maximum speed arise when an elastic head-on collision occurs between a neutron and a stationary target nucleus. Represent the masses and final speeds of the two target nuclei as m1,v1,m2 and v2 and assume Newtonian mechanics applies. The neutron mass can be calculated from the equation:
Chadwick directed a beam of neutrons on paraffin, which contains hydrogen. The maximum speed of the protons ejected was found to be 3.3×107m/s. A second experiment was performed using neutrons from the same source and nitrogen nuclei as the target. The maximum recoil speed of the nitrogen nuclei was found to be 4.7×106m/s. The masses of a proton and a nitrogen nucleus were taken as 1u and 14u, respectively. What was Chadwick's value for the neutron mass?
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