Though the law gives women equal status in Inidia. Many people hold unscientific views on a woman's innate nature, capacity and intelligence, and in practice give them a secondary status and role. Demolish this view using scientific arguments, and by quoting examples of great women in science and other sphere, and persuade yourself and others that, given equal opportunity, women are on par with men.
Given equal opportunity, women are at par with men. Development of human mind depends basically on nutrition content of prenatal diet, and also on the care and use of the mind. There is no gender bias involved. Anything which can be achieved by man.s mind can also be achieved by women.s mind. Madam curie won Nobel Prize in physics. Mother teresa proved herself a saint. In politics Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Margarettheatcher, Mr.s. Bhandarnaike excelled others.
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