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Derive an expression for power in an AC circuit. Explain some special cases.

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Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
In AC circuit, both emf and current changes continuously with respect to time, so in AC circuit, we have to calculate average powe in complete cycle (0T).
Instantaneous power, P=EI
Here, E and I are instantaneous voltage and current, respectively. If the instantaneous power remains constant for a small time dt, then small amount of work done in maintaining the current for a small time dt is given by
Total work done or energy spent in maintaining current over one full cycle is given by
W=dW=T0 EIdt
Here, T0cos2ωt=[sin2ωt2ω]T0=12ω[sin(4π×TT)sin0]=0
and T0sin2ωtdt=[cos2ωt2ω]T0=12ω[cos(4π×TT)cos0]=0
Average power a associated in AC circuit
Here, cosϕ is a power factor.
P is a true power or average power, therefore, power factor is given by cosϕ=PavErmsIrms=true powerapparent power,cosϕ=RZ
Here, ϕ is the phase difference between IrmsandErms.
