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The number obtained after dividing the number formed by the last three digits of 17256 by 100 is

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The correct Answer is:6.81

To find the number obtained after dividing the number formed by the last three digits of 17256 by 100, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the last three digits of 17256

To find the last three digits of 17256, we can compute 17256mod1000.

Step 2: Use the property of powers

We can express 17256 as (174)64. First, we need to calculate 174.


Now, we find 83521mod1000:


So, 174521mod1000.

Step 3: Calculate 17256

Now, we calculate (174)64mod1000:


Step 4: Use binomial expansion

To simplify 52164, we can express it as (520+1)64 and use the binomial theorem:


Step 5: Calculate significant terms

We only need the last three digits, so we can ignore terms with k3 since they will contribute to higher powers of 1000.

Calculating the first few terms:

- For k=0:

- For k=1:

- For k=2:

Now, we only need the last three digits of these sums:

- 1mod1000=1
- 33280mod1000=280
- 20172800mod1000=800

Step 6: Sum the contributions

Now, we sum these contributions:


Step 7: Find the last three digits

Now, we take 1081mod1000:


Step 8: Divide by 100

Finally, we divide the last three digits by 100:


Thus, the number obtained after dividing the number formed by the last three digits of 17256 by 100 is:

