Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Show that kn is divisible by (n)k

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To show that kn! is divisible by (n!)k, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the expression
We need to prove that kn! is divisible by (n!)k. Here, k is a positive integer and n! is the factorial of n.

Step 2: Write out the factorials
Recall that n!=n×(n1)×(n2)××2×1. Therefore, (n!)k can be expressed as:

Step 3: Calculate kn!
Now, calculate kn!:

Step 4: Factorial of kn
Next, consider kn! in terms of kn:
This means we have k groups of n!.

Step 5: Show divisibility
To show that kn! is divisible by (n!)k, we can think of kn! as having k times the number of n! terms. Since (n!)k represents n! multiplied by itself k times, we can see that:
This implies that kn! contains enough factors to be divisible by (n!)k.

Step 6: Conclusion
Thus, we have shown that kn! is divisible by (n!)k.
