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Prove that : cos(2sin1x)=12x2

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To prove that cos(2sin1x)=12x2, we will start with the left-hand side (LHS) and manipulate it to show that it equals the right-hand side (RHS).

1. Let θ=sin1x:
- This means that sinθ=x.

2. Rewrite the LHS:
- The LHS becomes cos(2θ).

3. Use the double angle formula for cosine:
- The double angle formula states that cos(2θ)=12sin2θ.

4. Substitute sinθ:
- Since sinθ=x, we can substitute this into the formula:

5. Conclude the proof:
- Thus, we have shown that:
- Therefore, LHS = RHS, and the statement is proved.
