Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the coordinates of the foot of perpendicular from the point (2,6,3) to the line x2=y12=z23. Also find the equation of this perpendicular.

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To find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from the point P(2,6,3) to the line given by the equation x2=y12=z23, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the line's direction ratios and a point on the line
The line can be expressed in parametric form. Let x2=y12=z23=k.

From this, we can derive the parametric equations:
- x=2k
- y=2k+1
- z=3k+2

Step 2: Write the coordinates of a point Q on the line
Let the coordinates of point Q on the line be:
- Q(2k,2k+1,3k+2)

Step 3: Find the direction ratios of line PQ
The direction ratios of line PQ can be found using the coordinates of points P and Q:
- Direction ratios =(xQxP,yQyP,zQzP)
- =(2k2,(2k+1)6,(3k+2)3)
- =(2k2,2k5,3k1)

Step 4: Find the direction ratios of the line
The direction ratios of the line given by x2=y12=z23 are:
- (2,2,3)

Step 5: Use the perpendicularity condition
For the lines to be perpendicular, the dot product of their direction ratios must equal zero:
Expanding this:
Combining like terms:
Thus, solving for k:

Step 6: Find the coordinates of point Q
Substituting k=1 back into the parametric equations:
- xQ=21=2
- yQ=21+1=3
- zQ=31+2=5

Thus, the coordinates of point Q are (2,3,5).

Step 7: Find the equation of the perpendicular line
The equation of the line through points P(2,6,3) and Q(2,3,5) can be expressed using the formula:
Substituting the coordinates:
This simplifies to:

Final Result
The coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular Q are (2,3,5), and the equation of the perpendicular line is:
