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Does sound travel in gases and solids?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Sound: Sound is a form of energy that is produced by vibrations. When an object vibrates, it creates sound waves that can travel through different mediums.

2. Medium Requirement: For sound to travel, it requires a medium. This medium can be a solid, liquid, or gas. The presence of molecules in these mediums is essential for the propagation of sound.

3. How Sound Travels: When an object produces sound, it creates vibrations in the surrounding medium. These vibrations are transferred from one molecule to another. For example, if you are standing near a sound source, the vibrations from the source will cause the nearby molecules to vibrate, which in turn will cause adjacent molecules to vibrate, and so on, until the vibrations reach your ear.

4. Types of Mediums:
- Solids: In solids, molecules are closely packed together, which allows sound to travel quickly and efficiently.
- Liquids: In liquids, molecules are less tightly packed than in solids, but they are still close enough to transmit sound.
- Gases: In gases, molecules are further apart compared to solids and liquids, but sound can still travel through gases as long as there are molecules present.

5. Limitations of Sound Travel: Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because a vacuum has no molecules or medium for the sound waves to propagate. Without a medium, there are no vibrations to carry the sound.

6. Conclusion: Yes, sound can travel through gases and solids (as well as liquids), but it cannot travel through a vacuum.
