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Which is the brightest among all the planets and why?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Brightness of Planets:
- The brightness of a planet is determined by how much sunlight it reflects. Unlike stars, planets do not generate their own light; they reflect the light from the Sun.

2. Identifying the Brightest Planet:
- Among all the planets in our solar system, Venus is known to be the brightest.

3. Reason for Venus's Brightness:
- Venus has a very dense and thick atmosphere composed of clouds. This atmosphere plays a crucial role in reflecting sunlight.

4. Reflection of Sunlight:
- The thick clouds in Venus's atmosphere reflect a significant portion of the sunlight that hits it back into space. This high reflectivity contributes to its brightness.

5. Position of Venus:
- Venus is also one of the closest planets to the Sun, which means it receives a lot of sunlight. The combination of its proximity to the Sun and its reflective atmosphere makes it appear very bright from Earth.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, Venus is the brightest planet in our solar system because it reflects the most sunlight due to its dense atmosphere filled with thick clouds.
