Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
The actual number of deaths in the existing condition ............. .

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand the Context: The question asks for a term that describes the actual number of deaths in a given population under current conditions.

2. Recall Relevant Terminology: In biology, particularly in the study of population dynamics, terms like "mortality" are frequently used to describe death rates within a population.

3. Identify the Specific Term: The term that specifically refers to the actual number of deaths in the existing condition is "Realized Mortality." This term indicates the mortality rate that is observed in a specific population at a certain time.

4. Complete the Sentence: Based on the understanding and identification of the term, the completed sentence reads: "The actual number of deaths in the existing condition is Realized Mortality."

Final Answer: The actual number of deaths in the existing condition is Realized Mortality.

