Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
The total number of individuals of a species found in a particular area,constinent or whle earth ............... .

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To fill in the blank in the statement, we need to identify the term that describes the total number of individuals of a species found in a particular area, continent, or the whole earth.

1. Understand the Question: The question asks for a term that represents the total number of individuals of a species in a specific geographical area.

2. Identify Key Concepts: The key concepts here are "total number of individuals," "species," and "particular area, continent, or whole earth."

3. Recall Relevant Terms: In ecology, the term that describes the total number of individuals of a particular species in a defined area is known as "population."

4. Fill in the Blank: Based on the understanding and recall, we can fill in the blank with the word "population."

Thus, the complete statement is: "The total number of individuals of a species found in a particular area, continent, or whole earth is population."
